Annandale Chamber of Commerce
7263 Maple Place
Annandale, VA 22003
(703) 256-7232
The Annandale Chamber of Commerce:
Businesses, industries and professionals working together to maintain a favorable business
climate and contribute to the quality of life that make Fairfax County a special place. It
is a voluntary organization of over 200 members who are concerned with helping business
prosper in a manner consistent and compatible with the best long term Interests and goals
of the community.
The Chamber's Board of Directors and its members work toward and place great emphasis
on the following:
- Quality Government: To work with county and state government to
encourage good management practices at every level, including sensible budgets, rational
decision making, and advanced planning for public facilities.
- Fiscal Responsibility: To improve the tax base to help pay for higher
quality community services; and to end discriminatory anti-business taxation.
- Beautification: To participate in "Annandale Beautification
Days," and to work to beautify Annandale by encouraging and supporting good
architecture, more landscaping in the central area, landscaping medians on main
thoroughfares, and removal of overhead wires.
- Alliance for Progress: To work with civic, service and business
organizations, in addition to individuals, to improve the quality of life in our
- Public Safety: To work closely with the Fairfax County Police
Department in order to ensure every resident and every person who works in Annandale
safety while at work, at home and traveling by foot or by car through the Annandale
community. To bring to the attention of state and local officials the need for additional
traffic lights and signs, and better roads throughout the area.
- Revitalization: To encourage the revitalization of neglected buildings
and properties into well-designed, comprehensively planned, mixed-use development.
- Benefits and Jobs for the Young: To encourage opportunities for young
people by working for better schools. To support community-sponsored programs that include
music, arts and crafts, scouting, athletics and youth organizations. To provide job
opportunities for young adults.
The Annandale Chamber of Commerce invites all interested citizens to join in making
Annandale and Fairfax County an even better place in which to live, work and play. The
Chamber may be reached at (703) 256-7232.